Big J & the Juice Discuss Superstitions
Big J: I'm just today's Friday the 13th. I have a rule about doing anything important on Friday the 13th, or the 13th. In general, because I find that the 13th is a very bad day for stuff to happen. I've just had too many experiences in my life. Well, first of all, my dad started the superstition with me, he's like, told me things about 13. But then I'm like, Oh, my God, this totally true. anything bad is happening. Like, a lot of the times you go and you see happen on the 13th.
So, I think it might have some, I mean, it could just be coincidental. It's in the middle of the month, it's because it's a random middle of the month day. And so, people are doing stuff in the middle of month, but too much stuff happens on 13th. So, I, I, I, like just fun stuff happens on the 13th. That's what I say I don't go to work on 13th. I don't do work decisions. I don't do like work on the 13th is very important because I don't want it to infect the other days with stuff that I did on the 13th. So, I don't make any major, you know, impacts no waves. On the 13th It doesn't hurt anything to wait usually. That's my general philosophy about things is it's probably better to know things.
The Juice: But yeah, actually affected by before the war.
Big J: Oh, I just whenever I've had a lot of negative things in the past that I ended up associating with the 13th, where I would get a letter that was dated the 13th, or it was received on the 13th or some aspect of this thing that made me feel uncomfortable, like my stomach felt very scared and sad and or whatever. Like that would be a 13th associated item, just like I've been in any manner things like Oh, I got a subpoena. And it was dated the 13th stuff like that. And I don't like those, you know, I like court things around. So, the 13th I try to avoid those 13 things. And so today is Friday, the 13th. November, Friday 13th. So, I am not doing anything except for having a phone call with you, where we're just talking about stuff of, you know, no decision. We're not making any decisions. We're just like laying down some words, saying things talking to each other.
The Juice: Sure. getting real.
Big J: Yeah, so it's not like, consequential, no big deal. We're just having a conversation. Because 13th I'm just sharing that's why today is day 13.
The Juice: To make it possible to think you remember things that happened that are bad, more because of the scent ingrained in your mind the concept of Friday 13th. First, that,
Big J: Yes, I think it's absolutely true. I think that it is complete and utter.
Big J: Not like it's not an actual thing, I'm sure of it. And yet, I stick to my guns that I never do anything of any consequence on 13. Because, you know
The Juice: Why risk it?
Big J: Yeah, I won't risk it. They don't have to; they don't need to. I find that in general, any excuse to have a day where you don't do anything is probably a good one. You should probably do that.
Because on average, if on average, it's a better decision to do nothing than to do something, then having an opportunity to structurally do nothing, is probably a good thing to have. And I have that philosophy. My philosophy is that it's usually better to do nothing than to do something.
Big J: That's no problem. But yeah,
The Juice: I sort of adopted unless they give that an idea because the more you think about where you dwell on it, if that makes sense. So, I did try not to be ruled by the idea of it as much So push it elsewhere from my mind while I think about it, but don't let it dominate my thinking.
Big J: You do.
The Juice: Weird saying avoidance but yeah.
Big J: Yeah. No, it's a healthy way of avoiding things that. I've been doing that with. I mean, cuz yoga. I spent two years doing a whole lot of yoga and meditation II things and it was great. So, I know what you're talking about.
The Juice: We're good.
Big J: Yeah. So yeah, that's, that's good. But I know I've been interested because I mean, it is it's fairly unique. I mean, it's obviously very rare. So, you kind of special. You know, you got this really unique thing going on. I think it's interesting.
Monica, you heard last time we went to Mexican food. She couldn't handle it. She can't go to Mexican food anymore. We got to find a whole new restaurant.
The Juice: Oh, man, I wonder if that's gonna ruin your whole deal. Since surpassing I wonder if there's like a way, we could still get Mexican food and get her something and Jason so to her stomach earlier?